Task: to create Scary image or object that will instill fear among people through out ages.
Random word, kitten
1. Color; A different color than a normal cat will properly freak people out when the color is at a darker tone like dark purple or dark green. Because it don't exist so it would be scary.
2. Appearance; To a cat, a skinny cat will look scarier than the fat cat. So the skinner the cat the scary it will be.
3. Eye sight; A glare from a abnormal thing will surely give other goosebumps, so why don't put it on a cat to make it scary.
4. Sneaky; Sneaky, it is born within a cat, well, i have been scared by sneaky cat a lot so in my point of view, sneaky can lead to scary.
So if put those key word in to a normal cat, what will it be???