Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Associated mind map bout "Mortar and Pestle"

Class Exercise:

We have been order to draw a mind map of the usage of the mortar and pestle using the five key words that the lecture show us....
And the five key words that i choose is music, coconut, suffer, tool and race.
This is the full mind map that I have draw.

As in music, mortar and pestle is like turntable and mortar is the disc and pestle is the reader. It create music.

To crack a coconut open, mortar is use to place the coconut to ensure the coconut won't slip away, the using the pestle as a breaking tool to smash the coconut open. The mortar will also keep the refreshing coconut juice without wasting it.

To make people suffer, mortar and pestle also has that function. Cover the people's head with the mortar and keep banging the pestle onto the mortar. It wont kill the people just make him suffer.=)

When combine the mortar and pestle, it can be a tool crate shade to protect from the sun.

As a race, people also can use mortar as target and pestle to throw into the mortal to show how has the most accuracy.

Creativity is Unlimited!!!

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